CGPA Task Master Pro
Calculate "Existing" or "Unpublished" result!
- created: 01/03/2023
- latest update: 01/04/2023
- by: DevInspo
Thank you
"CGPA Task Master Pro" calculates CGPA for existing or guessed (unpublished) results. Here "CGPA" means "Cumulative Grade Point System". You can easily calculate your CGPA for any number of subjects in a single or multiple semesters. We also have "Task Master" and "Task Analytics" where you will be able to create task based on start and end date. By completing the task on time will make you better and disciplined towards your goal.
Problem: Suppose your friend wants to know their CGPA based on an unpublished result and maintain daily task on the basis of Completed, Completed(late) and Incomplete task to measure their performance. How can they do it? By simply trying our solution!
Solution: They can simply guess their result based on their exam and check what might be their CGPA after the publishment of the expected result. And by maintaining the task they can improve themself.
For example: If you know your result for 138.0 credit is 3.84 and become curious to know what will be your result after completing 14.0 credit with a CGPA of 3.7! Just open our app > Choose any option > Enter 2 semester/subject > Fill like this 138 -> 3.84, 14 -> 3.7 and press Calculate. And you will get your result for that particular scenario which means 3.83 will be your result.
Calculate "Expected CGPA" for "A Semester".
Calculate "Expected CGPA" for "All semesters".
Add or Delete subject/semester row.
Add Task in "Task Manager"
Add Task based on "Start" and "End" date.
Solve Task on Time to make it "Completed", otherwise it will be "Completed(late)"
and when task is created by default it will be "Incomplete".
We can Complete/Incomplete/Update/Delete the task one by one.
Also, we can "Delete all the task and analytics" from the navigation bar.
By going to the "advance section" to Reset all the Task Data.
Newest Task gets added to the Top so that user does not need to Scroll All The Way Down.
Analyze "Task Analytics" to make Yourself Better.
Different type of Filters for "Task Manager" in the Top Right Corner.
Beautiful UI.
User friendly UI/UX.
To edit this project you must have Flutter and Dart installed and configured successfully on your device.
Set up your editor and install the flutter and dart plugins.
Flutter version required 3.x
Setup Flutter environment
Follow base on the operating system on which you are installing Flutter:
To edit this project you must have Flutter and Dart installed and configured successfully on your device.
Set up your editor and install the flutter and dart plugins.
You can use your preferred IDE(Android Studio / Visual Studio Code) to setup flutter and dart along with firebase.
Create a flutter project.
After download and unzip the package you will get a lib folder, assets folder and yaml file with all the souce code and also this documentation.
Build a project name 'cgpa_task_master_pro' replace the lib folder and yaml, also put assets folder from our package. In terminal write "flutter clean" and "flutter build apk". And you are ready to go.
Go to pubspecs.yaml file and click the Get dependencies or Packages get to install the libraries from pubspecs.yaml files.
Make sure dart sdk is up to date / get dart packages.
Open the emulator or connect real android device to run the project.
Then press the run button to start project.